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Transition Planning 101 — presented by Andrea Morris, The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport

Andover SEPAC is excited to host Andrea Morris, the Director of Family Supports at The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport to discuss Transition Planning. Join us to discuss transition timelines to help prepare students for the world beyond secondary education.  We will leave plenty of time for questions.

The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport was formed in 1962 by a small group of concerned individuals and parents determined to improve services for their sons & daughters with developmental disabilities.  Our mission is to advocate, educate, and explore opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.  We believe in supporting one person and one family at a time.

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December 6

Voyage to Reading - Navigating Early Literacy Learning

January 10

Sharing Local Event! Medford SEPAC presents Executive Functioning with Elise Wulff, MGH Aspire