General Resources

  • APS District Curriculum Accomodation Plan

    The District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) describes accommodations, instructional supports, and interventions provided to students. The DCAP is a tool that assists teachers and specialists in providing differentiated learning experiences to ensure that students can progress in their learning through various teaching modalities. This tool provides examples of accommodations to ensure access to Tier 1, standards-based classroom instruction.

    Link to Video

  • New IEP Form

    The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has updated the IEP forms and APS will implement the new process starting in the Fall of 2024.

    The new IEP form centers on the student's vision, identifies language acquisition issues for English learners in the student profile, and intentionally addresses transition planning for all age groups.

  • RULER Approach

    During the 2023-24 school year, Andover Public Schools began implementing The RULER Approach, developed from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. This involves training our educators, then beginning rolling out to students K-8 in the 2024-25 school year, and our Preschool & Andover High School in 2025-26.

    RULER Family Brochure

    RULER Presentation Slides

  • APS Mental Health Resource

    Care Solace - Mental Health Referral service meant to help cut down the leg work for you and your family to navigate the various obstacles. Free use for Students, Families, and Staff Members.

    Program Flyer

  • Glossary of Special Education Terms

    Special thanks to the Reading SEPAC for creating and sharing this comprehensive glossary.